

2013 Kwun Tong District Council Ping Shek By-election

Voter Turnout

Registered Electors: 7,780
(Polling Hours: 7:30am to 10:30pm)
Time (as at) Cumulative Voter Turnout Cumulative Turnout Rate (%)
08:30 159 2.04%
09:30 528 6.79%
10:30 856 11.00%
11:30 1,225 15.75%
12:30 1,528 19.64%
13:30 1,708 21.95%
14:30 1,993 25.62%
15:30 2,204 28.33%
16:30 2,453 31.53%
17:30 2,654 34.11%
18:30 2,833 36.41%
19:30 3,055 39.27%
20:30 3,210 41.26%
21:30 3,381 43.46%
22:30 3,483 44.77%

Note: The voter turnout statistics are collected within the time segment from the 15th to 30th minute of each hour from the polling station on the polling day and should be used for reference only.