

2014 Islands District Council Peng Chau and Hei Ling Chau By-election

Voter Turnout

Registered Electors: 9,208
(Polling Hours: 7:30am to 10:30pm)
Time (as at) Cumulative Voter Turnout Cumulative Turnout Rate (%)
08:30 125 3.36
09:30 318 8.54
10:30 547 14.70
11:30 728 19.56
12:30 911 24.48
13:30 1,124 30.20
14:30 1,248 33.53
15:30 1,374 36.92
16:30 1,501 40.33
17:30 1,653 44.41
18:30 1,815 48.76
19:30 1,946 52.28
20:30 2,098 56.37
21:30 2,212 59.43
22:30 2,269 60.96

Note: The voter turnout statistics are collected within the time segment from the 15th to 30th minute of each hour from the polling station on the polling day and should be used for reference only.