About Us

About Us

Welcome Message

Photo: Mr Justice David Lok
David Lok
Chairman, EAC

Welcome to the homepage of the Electoral Affairs Commission ("EAC").

The EAC is an independent, impartial and apolitical body established under the EAC Ordinance in 1997 with the main objective of ensuring that the public elections in Hong Kong are conducted in an open, honest and fair manner. According to the EAC Ordinance, the EAC consists of a Chairman and two members. At present, the EAC comprises me as Chairman and two members, namely Professor Daniel Shek, PhD, SBS, JP and Mr Bernard Man, SC.

The major responsibilities of the EAC are to review and make recommendations on the delineation of Legislative Council geographical constituencies and District Council geographical constituencies and demarcation of their boundaries, and to make regulations, guidelines and arrangements for the registration of electors and the conduct of public elections.

On this website, you can acquire information on Hong Kong's public elections and electoral arrangements, election guidelines and reports which, we hope, can let you have a better understanding of the electoral law and arrangements in Hong Kong. You are most welcome to provide any comments and suggestions for us to refine our electoral arrangements in the future.

Mr Justice David Lok
Chairman, EAC